私たちのいのちの使い方 happiness begetting happiness

Everyone makes some kind of choice in every moment as they live their lives in the pursuit of personal happiness. These choices range from school, work, a place to live, and marriage to goods and things rooted in everyday life. At Livesense, we ask questions like “How can we make each individual’s choices better?” and “Isn’t there any way for each individual to encounter happier options?” We view structural distortions preventing optimal choices as social issues and will solve them with services that have technology at their core.


Why We Do

Since everyone started using the Internet, the amount of information available for all kinds of options and choices has exploded. Despite this wealth of information, information imbalances and inefficiencies in information processing continue to prevent individuals and organizations from making optimal choices in various situations. Livesense is committed to pursuing optimal choices for people through our business. We strive for sustainable growth and the realization of our management philosophy of “Happiness Begetting Happiness”.

What We Do

All our services are oriented toward one goal: to promote positive change in the world through finding the best solution to imbalances and inconveniences in society using technology. This includes human resources, real estate and even new business domains.
We will invent the services that will become “the next common” in society.