Converting data that more closely reflects the real world into service value
Today, with advances in IT-related technologies, everyone is looking to create value out of big data. However, those efforts mainly consist of access analysis using online behavior logs that make data collection and accumulation easily. Since 2013, Livesense has also focused on building our own database that records user behavior on our websites, and this has yielded a certain level of results. Still, when it comes to the experience of using a service, online behavior is just the tip of the iceberg in people’s lives. People actually live in the real world, not the online world. To increase the intrinsic value of a service, it is essential to conduct a comprehensive analysis of the user that does not interrupt continuity between the online and real worlds. It is not simply a matter of the volume of data but what kind of data you will obtain and what kind of value that data will be changed into. We call these efforts that look ahead to a new stage of data utilization “Real Data Engineering.”